Latest Release

9.10.4 » 05 Jun 2024
What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-2309: [Downloader] Sideload subtitles on downloaded content AMP-649

Previous Releases

Legacy Release Notes
9.10.3 » 12 Sep 2023

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-2296: [trueX] Android plugin creation with Truex Ad Renderer
  • AMPAND-2305: [trueX] [Create an API to register Freewheel extensions] [FWTXExtension]

9.10.2 » 13 Jun 2023

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-2288: [Freewheel] Update to version 6.56, from 6.33
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-2285: BugFix - [Freewheel] Avoid NPE on closing after 1 or 2 seconds of playback

9.10.1 » 27 Apr 2023

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-2284: [Comscore] Create the expectPreroll() method
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-2266: BugFix - [Google IMA] UI on ad error, repeated AD_PROGRESS
  • AMPAND-2273: BugFix - [Comscore] [End Event] [Should call only in the end of stream]
  • AMPAND-2274: BugFix - [Comscore] [Pause Event] [Sent only when the user pause the playback]

9.10.0 » 19 Oct 2022

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-1979: [Core] [Removed Native Basic Playback Mode]

9.9.6 » 22 Sep 2022

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-1936: Moved Closed Captions functionality to the Core
  • AMPAND-2160: ID3 Module Integration into Amp-Core - Deprecated amp-id3
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-2213: BugFix - [Downloader] [License renewal with updateDownloadDRMConfiguration] [Content-Length is incorrectly UNSET]

9.9.5 » 24 Aug 2022

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-2190: [Downloader] ampDownloadManager.toggleDownload() doesn’t return DRM errors, shows user-visible toasts instead.
  • AMPAND-2196: [Downloader] Implement a method that allows updating the license key set only for a downloaded video

9.9.4 » 02 Aug 2022

Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-2186: BugFix - [Core] [Replay is not working with shouldAutoPlay false]
  • AMPAND-2189: BugFix - [Downloader Sample][minifyedEnable true][missing pro-guard rules causing ExceptionInInitializerError]
  • AMPAND-2197: BugFix - [IMA] [set shouldAutoPlay false] [IMAAdsHandler NullPointerException with no PreRoll Ad]

9.9.3 » 03 Jul 2022

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-1935: [ID3] [Refactor ID3 tags functionality to the Core]
  • AMPAND-2174: [Downloader] [DRM Offline] [Adapt DataFactory to send httpRequestParameters]
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-2178: BugFix - [Freewheel] [waitForPreroll is not calling setShowControlsAtStart] [Tap Play Button before Preroll Ad Start produced Audio Overlap]
  • AMPAND-2179: BugFix - [UI] [Replay functionality] [Player Controls aren’t shown when Postroll completes]

9.9.2 » 02 Jun 2022

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-2122: [UITVI] [Deprecate UITV module]
  • AMPAND-2167: Freewheel: Implement option to provide extra info to the Ad Request via key value format
  • AMPAND-2168: Update Firebase analytics firebase-analytics:21.0.0

9.9.1 » 04 May 2022

What’s included in the release?
  • Minor API Improvements to AMP UI Mobile and DRM Modules.
  • API Documentation Updated.

9.9.0 » 07 Apr 2022

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-2144: Refactor key API classes to improve API visibility

9.8.0 » 14 Mar 2022

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-2082: [API] [Simplification and Removal of unnecessary methods]
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-2053: BugFix - [Freewheel] [Tap Play Button before Ad Start] [Audio Overlap]
  • AMPAND-2111: BugFix - [CC] [Restart playback at time1] [Consumed captions before time1 arent shown]
API Break Changes

API Simplified. API Break Changes applied to: ID3, SCTE35, Facebook, Amazon APS.

  • Facebook Audience Network Manager Changes:
    AmpFacebookAudienceNetworkManager(PLACEMENT_ID, ADS_AT_SECONDS);

    replaced with:

    Facebook.create(PLACEMENT_ID, ADS_AT_SECONDS);
  • Amazon Bidder Changes:
    AmpApsBidder(ampFreewheelManager.getBidderCallback(), this, APS_APP_ID, APS_TIME_OUT_MILLIS, APS_TEST_FLAG);

    replaced with:

    AmazonBidder.create(ampFreewheelManager.getBidderCallback(), this, APS_APP_ID, APS_TIME_OUT_MILLIS, APS_TEST_FLAG);
          apsBidder.requestBids(mediaResource, APS_AD_BREAK_ID_22_MINS);
  • ID3 Tag Extractor Changes:

    replaced with:

  • AMP SCTE35 Parser Changes:
    AmpScte35.of(mVideoView, createScteListener());

    replaced with:

    AmpScte35Manager.of(mVideoView, createScteListener());
Known issues
  • Thumbnails VTT Implementation is not parsing data properly.

9.7.3 » 07 Feb 2022

Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-1861: BugFix - [Mux] [Autoplay False] [Play event is sent until user taps play button]
  • AMPAND-2002: BugFix - [Nielsen] [Playhead content is not reported when Freewheel Preroll failed]
  • AMPAND-2048: BugFix - [Yospace] [SimpleExoPlayer: Player is accessed on the wrong thread.]

9.7.2 » 29 Nov 2021

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-2051: [Core] [Add setUserAgent to videoPlayerContainer] [Allow the end user to set the user-agent]
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-1920: BugFix - [UI] [Controls are incorrectly shown in the middle of the IMA Ad Break]
  • AMPAND-2040: BugFix - [UI] [Controls are incorrectly shown in the middle of the Freewheel Ad Break]
  • AMPAND-2001: BugFix - [Nielsen] [PlayHead position is incrementing while content is buffering]
  • AMPAND-2027: BugFix - [Downloader] [Start Download without Internet] [Video is marked as downloaded] [DUP: AMPAND-2019]
  • AMPAND-2019: BugFix - [Downloader] [Downloaded Icon] [Remains active if mp4 download is not started due to Lack of Internet Connectivity]
  • AMPAND-2026: BugFix - [Freewheel] [MidRoll Ad Break with Ad Pods Errors] [onAdsPlayheadUpdate callback didn’t stop while buffering]
  • AMPAND-2030: BugFix - [Mux] [SimpleExoPlayer: Player is accessed on the wrong thread] [AMP-137]

9.7.1 » 28 Oct 2021

Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-1977: BugFix - [UI-Mobile-Generic] [PlayerControlsOverlay] [enableLongPress 360/VOD not working]
  • AMPAND-2028: BugFix - [Freewheel] [extra onAdsPlayheadUpdate reported just before bufferingStart]

9.7.0 » 30 Sep 2021

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-1990: [License] [setApiKey Error Message] [Log the expiration date of the apiKey]
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-2020: BugFix - [Freewheel] [Reset buffering flag when an Ad error occur on Freewheel] [there is no onAdsPlayheadUpdate callback while ad is being played]
  • AMPAND-2025: BugFix - [Freewheel] [FreewheelAdsHandler] [NPE]
  • AMPAND-1574: BugFix - [Freewheel] [FreewheelAdsHandler doAdRequest] [check Ad Manager was initialized]
  • AMPAND-1782: BugFix - [Downloader] [Failing to download mp4 files] [No track found]
  • AMPAND-1864: BugFix - [Core] [shouldAutoPlay Disabled] [Preroll Ads should not start]
  • AMPAND-1983: BugFix - [License] [setApiKey General BugFix]
  • AMPAND-2022: BugFix - [License] [AES256LicenseDecryption] [NPE in isLicenseValid(]
API Changes in Downloader Module

toggleDownload method now looks like this:

void toggleDownload(Context context, MediaResource mediaResource, PrepareDownloadListener prepareDownloadListener);

PrepareDownloadListener interface new looks like this:

public interface PrepareDownloadListener {
void onSingleDownloadOptionAvailable(MediaResource mediaResource);

void onMultipleDownloadOptionsAvailable(MediaResource mediaResource, MappingTrackSelector.MappedTrackInfo mappedTrackInfo, DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters trackSelectorParameters);

void onFailed(IOException e);

9.6.1 » 30 Aug 2021

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-1994: [Freewheel] [Add events onAdBufferingStarted() and onAdBufferingEnded() to Freewheel] [Avoid update playhead if buffering]
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-1713: BugFix - [UI-Mobile-Generic] [Thumbnails] [video is not playing when vttURL is not available]
  • AMPAND-1989: BugFix - [Comscore] [Migrate Analytics dependency to .pom] [Update to Comscore version]
  • AMPAND-1995: BugFix - [Captions] [Video does not play if VTT File is unavailable]
  • AMPAND-2011: BugFix - [Freewheel] [doAdRequest is called when fwContext is null]

9.6.0 » 26 Jul 2021

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-1931: Create setApiKey(String apiKey) method
  • AMPAND-1934: Remove outdated playback modes: Software, Hardware, Hardware-Advanced
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-1911: BugFix - [AmpPlayer] [Inconsistently is not showing the PlayerControls]

9.5.0 » 07 Jun 2021

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-1779: [ExoPlayer] [Upgrade internal support to 2.12.3]
  • AMPAND-1780: [Downloader][Add support for downloading DRM-protected content using offline Widevine licenses]
  • AMPAND-1880: [Freewheel] [AmpFreewheelManager.getAdsURL()] [Get adClickURL when the user interacts with the ad]
  • AMPAND-1882: [Freewheel] [IAdsComponentListener] [Expose the onAdsTapped for Freewheel Ad Clicking]
  • AMPAND-1888: [Freewheel] [IAdsComponentListener] [Expose the onAdsError for Freewheel]
  • AMPAND-1889: [IMA] [AmpIMAManager CSAI getAdDisplayContainer()] [Allows registerFriendlyObstruction and unregisterAllFriendlyObstructions]
  • AMPAND-1906: [IMA] [Expose Extra metadata on AdsInfo] [AdsManager.getCurrentAd()]
  • AMPAND-1913: [Core] [Deprecated methods][setBitrateToPlay, setStartingBitrateIndex, setManualSwitching, setFullScreen]
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-1910: BugFix - [Downloader] [Any video can be downloaded if previously played]
  • AMPAND-1914: BugFix - [Core] [QualityLevel] [AMP is retrieving invalid bitrates]
  • AMPAND-1916: BugFix - [UI] [setShowControlsAtStart] [Is not working as expected]
  • AMPAND-1921: BugFix - [UI] [setControlsVisibility] [NPE Fatal Exception when FullScreenButton is not defined]

9.4.3 » 14 Apr 2021

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-1821: Added Adobe AEP Experience Platform SDK Support
  • AMPAND-1823: [Mux] [Missing some metadata: CDN, Video Stream Type]
  • AMPAND-1850: [MUX] [Set error handling as optional, so the integration can decide what to log]
  • AMPAND-1851: [DRM] Implement API to select DRM security level

9.4.2 » 02 Feb 2021

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-1760: [Sample] [AmpCCMultiAudioSample] [Create multi caption - multi audio sample]
  • AMPAND-1818: [Core] [HLS with MultiAudio] [Add support for multi-audio tracks in HLS]
  • AMPAND-1819: [Ads] Send GoogleAdsInfo into onLoaded()
  • AMPAND-1836: [Chromecast] [Support for MediaInfo.Builder and deprecate buildMediaInfo] [Allow StreamType as LIVE]
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-1822: BugFix - [Mux] [Playing after Seeked]
  • AMPAND-1838: BugFix - [Adobe Heartbeat] [tryTrackPause] [Assert Fail with Fatal Exception]

9.4.1 » 10 Dec 2020

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-1787: [Mux] [Upgrade MUX Core SDK to v5]
  • AMPAND-1791: [Core] [Repeat Mode] [Implement playback repeat mode setRepeatMode()]
  • AMPAND-1792: [UI-Mobile-Generic] [shouldAutoPlay] [Add option to disable/enable autoplay]
  • AMPAND-1806: [IMA] [AmpIMAManager .disableAdsUI() . enableAdsUI()] [ Adds options to disable/enable the IMA Ads UI]
  • AMPAND-1807: [Core] [getSelectedQualityLevel and getSelectedQualityLevelIndex] [Add Feature to VideoPlayerView]
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-1784: BugFix - [Mux] [Simple VoD Playback] [Fixed No playhead position reported when Ad Playback takes place]
  • AMPAND-1785: BugFix - [Mux] [AmpMuxDataAnalyticsTracker.expectPreroll()] [Added option to notify Mux when preroll is expected]
  • AMPAND-1786: BugFix - [Mux] [Simple VoD Playback] [Fixed accuracy of ‘adplay’ and ‘adplaying’]
  • AMPAND-1788: BugFix - [Mux][Metadata Information][Fixed No video source url reported]
  • AMPAND-1789: BugFix - [Mux] [Simple VOD Ending] [Removed Duplicated “ended” and “pause”]
  • AMPAND-1790: BugFix - [Mux] [Background/Foreground] [Fixed Resuming application after backgrounding results in ‘seeking’ but no ‘playing’]
  • AMPAND-1793: BugFix - [Mux] [Ensure that the “playing” event is sent to Mux only when the first frame of content]

9.4.0 » 11 Nov 2020

What’s included in the release?
  • AMPAND-1649: [UI] Execute EOL for old Mobile module
  • AMPAND-1733: Implement Common Media Client Data collection
  • AMPAND-1768: [UI-Mobile-Generic] [Add new Full Screen Mode] [FULLSCREEN_MODE_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO_FILL_SCREEN]
Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-1753: BugFix - [Mux] [ad ima preroll with bumper ads] [sending pause before bumper ads]
  • AMPAND-1756: BugFix - [Mux] [background / resuming] [pause event is sent until player resumes]
  • AMPAND-1759: BugFix - [Mux] [background / resuming] [new view is created when player resumes (playerready)]
  • AMPAND-1761: BugFix - [Utils] [isTablet] [ClassCastException Activity]

9.3.2 » 01 Oct 2020

Bug fixes
  • AMPAND-1715: BugFix - [Mux] [AdBreakEnded] [Event is sent before play event in combination with Freewheel]
  • AMPAND-1742: BugFix - [Mux] [AdBreakStart/AdBreakEnded] [Not reported for IMA CSAI Ads]
  • AMPAND-1754: BugFix - [Mux] [ad ima midroll with multiple ads] [missing adended after ad pod]